How to Make Money Online with Google AdSense and Blogger

How to make money online with Google AdSense and Blogger

Make money with blogger and adsense
You’re welcome, in this very short and detailed guide about making money with Google AdSense, I am going to show you how to make money online with Google AdSense and blogger.
I am also going to go deep into the topic to make sure I leave no Stone unturned, I’ll answer some few related questions that you may be having in mind about this topic
so get ready to unpack this great information about Google AdSense.
Making money online is not an easy task, especially if you don’t know much about how the internet works
There are many ways to make money online, some of the ways require monetary investments, some of them are absolutely free to start.
Also as expected, some ways of making money online are more lucrative than the others.
inside of this post, I am going to share with you, my second best way of making money online, and that method is simply by monetizing a blogger blog with Google AdSense.
So without further ado, let’s get started with today’s Tutorial.

What is Google AdSense and how does it work?

Google AdSense is an advertising program that enable publishers to monetize their contents by allowing Google to display ads on their contents.
if you go to some blogs and websites, you’re going to see advertisments around the contents, some of them are pop up ads, some are header ads, some are sidebar ads and so on.
Now as the advertisements are placed on the site, the owner of that site is making money because he/she allowed ads to be displayed on their contents.

How to make money with Blogger and Adsense

1. Create a blog with blogger

the first thing you need is a blog that’s hosted on Blogger, don’t worry, you don’t need to buy a domain name if you don’t have to
creating a blog on blogger is free of charge, Blogger is a Google property, just like Gmail, Google docs, Google sites etc, Google Products are mostly free of charge, so is Blogger
and you can use blogger to create your nice looking blog that you can also monetize later with Adsense.
to create a blog with blogger, go to website and click on the create a blog button then sign in with your Gmail account and start creating your blog.
the whole process will take less than 30 minutes and your blog will be ready for customization.

2. Create pages and Contents on your blogger blog

The next and most important thing is to create pages and Contents, because Google adsense is not going to place ads on an empty blog.
the pages you must create are
1. Contact us page
2. About us page
3. Privacy policy page
4. Terms and conditions page
in Google AdSense terms of use, they clearly stated that, your blog must be safe to users and must also be free of any harmful contents and also adult contents.
So they recommend you to create these pages and also avoid adult contents and harmful contents too.
After creating this pages, you must also create a lot of contents so that Google will have enough space to display ads on your blogger blog.
Please read the terms and conditions of Google and what you must do to be accepted into the program.

3. Apply for Google AdSense

The third step is applying for Google AdSense, when you apply, Google AdSense team will review your blog to see if you follow their rules and regulations.
to be sure that they approve your request, kindly stick to the terms and conditions of using Google AdSense.
if your blog contain illegal contents like hard drugs related contents, adult contents or fancy discrimination of any kind, your blog will no be approved.
please also read their terms and conditions and how to get accepted into their program, it will help you a lot.

4. Start making money with Google AdSense and blogger

After applying for Adsense, keep Creating more nice and useful contents on your blogger blog, and as you are creating and waiting for approval, keep an eye on your email inbox.
because once you’ve been approved, you’ll receive a notification in your inbox, after that, You can log into your adsense dashboard and allow them to display ads on your blog.
And if the ads are live on your blog, whenever someone clicks on the ads, you’ll earn money.
it is as easy as that, I am currently making money with Google AdSense because I have blogs that are displaying ads. so you can do the same.

How much can you make with Google AdSense?

There’s no limit to how much you can make with Google AdSense, I know of people that are making up to $80,000 monthly with Google AdSense
some people are making under $100 monthly with Google AdSense, so it all depends on your blog users, if many people are reading your blog, chances are you’ll earn more money than someone who’s getting less readers.


that’s all you need to know about making money with Google AdSense and blogger, I hope you find this article helpful and if you do, kindly share to help other people learn the same thing.
and if in case you have any problem with the whole step, kindly leave a comment and I’ll reply to you ASAP.

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