How to Manage Battery life on Android Devices

How to manage battery life on Android Devices for Long lasting

Manage Battery life on android
Welcome to today’s guide about saving Android battery life, in this guide l I’ll be showing how to manage battery life on android devices for a long lasting capacity.
I am going to show you what have been working for me, because I am also using an Android phone, i used to face battery issues while uang the the phone in the past, but ever since I started using the tips I am about to share with you, I’ve been enjoying my android battery life
so if you want the same thing for your battery, then stick with me to the end of this blog post, because you’re going to love it.
people often think that android phone batteries are not long lasting, but that’s not true, in my experience using both Android and iOS phones, I can say with my full chest that android phone batteries last longer than iPhone batteries.
but without a proper managing tips, you’ll always believe that android phone batteries don’t last long.
So without wasting any more time, let’s get right into today’s guide.

Tips to save battery life on Android Devices

1. Turn on battery saver

Many people are not taking advantage of the battery saver that comes with their phones, one thing about battery saver is that, it gives you an instant long lasting experience once you to turn it on.
for example, if your phone should run low on battery in 5 hours, if you turn on the battery saver, it can last up to 7-8 hours.
how to turn on battery saver on Android phone
Swipe down on your phone screen, you’ll see options like mobile data, Bluetooth, WiFi, airplane mode, torch light and more, click on the battery saver option to instantly turn it on.

2. Reduce your phone brightness

One thing that drain android battery fast is the LCD backlight, the brighter the screen of your android phone, the faster the batterry will die.
there’s no need to use your phone on the highest brightness level, it even affects your eyes, so the best thing to do is to reduce your brightness.
to reduce your phone brightness, just swipe down on your phone screen, then you’ll see the brightness bar, adjust it until it is deem enough for you to see.

3. Stop apps from draining your battery in the background

do you know that, even when you’re not using an app, it is still draining your battery in the background? yes, because for the app to be active it has to be working.
so if you are not using an app, you can click on the battery icon to go to battery settings, then turn off any app that you’re not using at the moment.

Final thoughts on how to manage battery life on Android phone

So there you have it my friends, start using your battery to the maximum life span, if you do the above things, you’ll be able to see how your battery will last longer.
So if you’ve been having issues with your battery then start using the tips from today.
I hope you enjoy this article, if you do, please share with others, and if you happen to have any questions, just leave it in the comments section of the post and I’ll answer you.
have a nice day.

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