How to Get Freelance Jobs on Facebook| Step by step guide

How to get freelance jobs on Facebook

Freelance jobs on facebook
Hello and welcome to CashAndTech blog, in this very detailed guide, I’ll show you how to get Freelance jobs on Facebook, with this simple strategy, you can start getting Freelance jobs from the same day.
I am going to be in depth with this guide so as to help you get the results that you desire, if you’ve been looking for jobs as a freelancer, then hopefully, this post will surely help you get clients that will give you jobs.
we all know how difficult it is to get clients to hire you on Freelance websites, on freelance websites, you need to create professional looking gigs, you need to have a good customer reviews in order to start seeing jobs rolling in on a steady basis.
but what if you are new to the freelance websites? that means it will take almost forever to get your first order, because you don’t have reviews yet, and other credible freelancers do.
That’s why it is advisable to take another route that will help you get clients faster, when trying to get clients, using Facebook is great, because with a few things done you’ll see freelance jobs in less time.

So without wasting time, let’s get right into today’s guide.

Is it easy to get clients on freelance websites?

Getting your first clients on freelance websites is not easy, because you need customer reviews to get other people to hire you, and as a new freelancer with a new account with zero reviews, clients will hardly hire you for any job, because they’ll see you as someone not worthy of hiring.
That’s why many freelancers buy customer reviews to get their accounts and gigs look professional, oh yeah, you heard that right
people actually buy customer reviews on Fiverr, the more great reviews you have, the better you’ll get clients, although I’ll not advise you to buy the reviews like other freelancers do
Get clients to hire you on Facebook first, then ask them to leave reviews on Freelance websites and you’ll start seeing jobs come in.

How to get freelance jobs on Facebook

1. Setup your account to look professional

You need to make your account look legitimate and professional, since you want customers to trust and hire you, you must use a very clear photo of yourself
you also need to write about yourself and your profession in your bio, you can also link to your freelance profiles on other freelance websites.

2. Join Facebook groups with relevant members

Next thing to do is to connect with people that will likely hire you, for example if you’re a freelance writer, your need to join Internet marketers group, SEO groups and also bloggers group, because these people will definitely need writers for their works, and if you can prove that you’re a good writer they’ll surely hire you.
join a lot of different Facebook groups that are relevant to your niche, if possible, join 10, 20 or more groups to maximize your chance of getting hired faster.

3. Pitch to people for jobs

The last thing is pitching to these people in order to be hired, you can do this by adding them as friends and then sending them a message about your experience and how you can help them with works.
the other way you can get them to hire you is by constantly uploading posts that will make them understand your expertise, if you’re a graphic designer, you can upload some of your recent works and also make it clear that you’re the one who did it and can be hired.
You can also tag some of them in the posts to make them see the post faster and more effectively.

Final thoughts on how to get freelance jobs on Facebook

So there you go freelancers, if you’re looking for clients that will hire you then this guide will be a lot useful to you, just add this to your Freelancing arsenal and start seeing clients in no time.
getting clients on freelance websites is not an easy task, if you want to get hired faster, then you need to go out of the freelance websites and make yourself known on social media.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post, if you do, kindly share it with other people to help them too, and if you have any questions, do leave them in the comments section of the post below.

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