Opay Agent: How to Create your Account in 5 Minutes

Opay Agent: How to Create your Account in 5 Minutes

how to become an opay agent
In this post, I will show you how to become an opay agent, becoming an opay agent may seem intimidating, but if you have the right information, everything will be easy for you, that’s why I am writing this post, to provide you with the right information on creating your opay agent account in less than 5 minutes.
So make sure you read this article from start to finish, I have also written other articles related to opay in the past few weeks, and I will be linking to them in this article.
So without further ado, let’s proceed with the tutorial, shall we?

About opay

Opay is a payment service that makes making payments easy, you can pay for bills, purchase airtime, send money to people, top up your betting accounts and more, you can also provide payment solutions to other people by becoming an opay agent.
It is the first cashback wallet in Nigeria, since its opening, it has gained popularity among people living in Nigeria, today almost everywhere you go, you will see opay users.
People store their money and prefer making transactions with opay because it is fast and reliable.

What do opay agents do?

Opay agents are people that are doing business with opay, they provide payment services for customers, opay agents offer POS services, bill payments, airtime services and more.
Opay pos is one of the most popular POS businesses in Nigeria, in my area, almost everywhere you go, you will see an opay POS office.
You can start an opay pos business with opay by reading my article, I made the steps easy for you to follow, so if you are interested in starting an opay pos business, make sure you check out the article.
Related posts:

Benefits of becoming an opay Agent

If you become an opay agent, you can make money by helping people pay for bills, access opay loans, buy airtime, top up their betting accounts and more.
Many people are having issues going to the ATM machine to withdraw money, transfer money, deposit money etc.  if you become an opay agent, you can start a pos business with opay, this will make you a lot of money because people will be coming to you for transactions.
Don’t forget to check out my recent post on how to start POS business with opay, it will walk you through all the steps you need.

How to become an opay agent

1. Create an opay account

The first thing you need is a regular opay account, if you don’t have an opay account yet, read how to create your opay account in less than 20 minutes, creating your account with opay is easy, all you need is an active mobile number and internet connection.

2. Verify your account

After creating your opay account, you need to verify your account in order to be able to become an opay agent, to do this you need to do some transactions with your opay account, you can send money to your friends/family, or you can purchase airtime, pay bills etc.

3. Sign up for opay agent 

Open the opay app, and locate the customer support option, now all you need to do is to send a simple message to them that you want to become an agent, they usually reply very fast to this kind of message, because they are looking for more people to become their agents.
When they reply to your message, they will ask you to submit some documents such as a passport photo and a utility bill receipt.
Send the asked documents and wait for your approval message.

Final thoughts

So that’s it guys, if you have been looking for a way to become an opay agent, follow the above steps completely and you will be good to go.
Don’t forget to read my previous posts about opay, and if you have any questions about this article, feel free to leave it in the comment section below, also share this article with other people that may find it useful.
I hope you enjoy reading this article, thank you for stopping by today I wish you all the best.

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