How to Download Windows 10 on my old PC

How to download windows 10 on my old PC

Download windows 10
In this post, I’ll show you how to download windows 10 on your old PC, I am going to show you all the things you need to know before installing Windows 10 on your PC, I’ll also be showing the very best place to download windows 10 legally.
If you’re a regular PC user like me, you’ll agree with me that it is annoying to not be able to download a software simply because you’re using an older or new version of Windows.
I remember the time when I was trying to download an application on my PC but after downloading, I couldn’t install it, they are telling me that I am using Windows 7 which is not compatible with the downloaded application
I needed the application before I downloaded it, but at the end I was unable to install it, it hurts so much and then I went on to upgrade my PC to windows 10, just so it will be easy for me to install and use my downloaded application.
so, I’m writing this article to help you whenever you want to download a newer version of Windows, because I already know how it is.
so, without wasting time, lets get right into today’s guide.

Do I need to download windows 10?

For many reasons, it will be great if you update your PC versions to the latest versions, one of the major reason you need to upgrade to a newer version is because you need to access essential applications in the future, and if what you have is an older version it won’t be possible.

another reason is that, if you’re using an older version of Windows, you’ll see a warning on your screen telling you to upgrade to a newer version, nobody wants that, and the only way to get rid of that warning is by upgrading your PC operating system to the latest version.

How to download windows 10 on your PC

Go to and inside of the “Select edition” box, scroll and find the latest version of Windows 10, click on it and the box will be automatically closed, then just below the selected version of Windows you’ll see a button that says “Confirm” click on it to begin Downloading the windows 10 on your PC.
Please take note that, windows 10 have different versions, I’ll suggest that you Download the latest version of it, because the older versions may still give you issues in the future.
like in this example, the date for today is 14/December/2021, so in side of the box, I’ll chose windows 10 November 2021 update instead of chosing windows 10.
once you click confirm your Download will begin in less than 20 minutes, but just in case it Didn’t start, you may need to check your connection and space the. try again.

Final thoughts

So there you have it my friends, if you’ve been having issues with your older versions of Windows, then I am sure this guide will be of help to you.
But if you want windows 11 instead you can still repeat the whole process but this time chose the latest version of Windows 11 instead of Windows 10 and you’ll be fine.
I hope you enjoy reading this post, please if you find this post helpful, kindly do share it with other people using the below Social media buttons, and if in case you are facing any challenges with downloading windows 10 on your PC, you can also leave your queries in the comments section and I’ll reply to you whenever possible.
thank you for reading this post, I wish you all the best.

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