How to Purchase a Domain Name from Domainking

Domainking domain name
How to Purchase a Domain Name from Domainking: Are you trying to buy a domain name from Domainking? then this is your best guide, because in this post, you’re going to learn how to buy domain name on Domainking website
I am going to walk you through all the process included in buying a domain name on Domainking, I am also going to answer some few questions you might be having about domain king and a lot of other important things.
before you can build a professional blog or website, one thing you can never ignore is buying a domain name, because domain name is the name of your website or blog
and there’s no way for your website to have no name.
and when it comes to buying a domain name, you need to buy the domain name from a trust worthy Domain registrar, and I’ll recommend you use Domainking because they are reliable.
I’ve used Domainking on many of my blogs for sometime now and I must say that they are the best, they offer free SSL certificate also, which will make your website secure for visitors and will also give you a high ranking opportunity.
So without further ado, allow me to show you how you can buy a Domain name on Domainking website.


1. Register on Domainking

The first and foremost thing to do is to become a Domainking user, to become a Domainking user, all you need is to sign up for a free account, and signing up for Domainking is very easy.
just visit the Domainking website and click the sign up link, sign up using your email address and choose a password, next, confirm your account by clicking the confirmation email sent from Domainking.
Then you’ll need to log into your Domainking Account and Complete the rest of the process which is submitting some information like name, phone number and so on, after that, you’re done creating your Domainking Account.

2. Search for your preferred Domain name

While you’re logged into your Domainking Account, click the domain on the menu drop-down and click on register a new Domain, you’ll see an empty box where you’re asked to enter the name you want to register.
this name can be anything from your nickname to your company name, it can even be your legal first and last name combined, anything really.
but when choosing a domain name, I’ll advise you to choose something obscure or brandable.

3. Choose the right domain name

After you enter the name you want to use on your website, you’ll see a list of the names with different extensions.
the best and most popular domain extension is the .com extension, this is the best domain name that is good on any type of website or blog.
you can also go for .net, and so on, but bare in mind that, .com is the best.

4. Purchase your preferred Domain name on Domainking

after choosing your preferred domain name with the right extension, you’ll need to proceed to the checkout page where you’ll be confirming your order, chose your payment method and proceed with payment.
after payment, they’ll send an invoice to your email, then after that, you can integrate the domain with your host.
this can be a WordPress hosted website, blogger hosted website and so on, the domain is now fully yours.
If you follow the above steps, congratulations you’ve now purchased a domain name on Domainking.

Is Domainking safe?

yes, Domainking is safe for anyone to use, they also offer a free SSL certificate which will give your domain a secure connection, I’ve been using their services for a long time and must say that their services is excellent.
so if you’re having doubts whether or not to buy a domain name from Domainking, I’ll guarantee you that you’ll enjoy their services.

Can I also buy hosting on Domainking?

Yes, apart from buying domain names on Domainking you can still purchase a hosting plan on the website, I haven’t used the hosting service because I am not using WordPress, but I know a few people who have their websites hosted using Domainking and they are perfectly fine with it.


so that’s it guys, that’s all you need to know about buying a domain name on Domainking website, I hope you enjoy this guide, please help me share this post with others and if you have questions, I’ll be more than happy to reply to you
just leave your questions in the comments section and expect a quick reply from me, I wish you goodluck.

How to Purchase a Domain Name from Domainking

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