How to Make Money with Opay| Make over N5000 weekly

How to Make Money with Opay| Make over N5000 weekly 

Make money on opay

Hello and welcome to CashandTech, in this post I am going to show you how to make money on opay app and make over 5000 Naira weekly
You can make more than this amount, but I am saying 5000 because I have also accumulated this amount with opay, so if you want to discover how I go about it
You can also make money with opay by starting a POS business with opay
Read this article to the very end, because I will share all the tips and strategies that I used to make money using opay in Nigeria
I am also going to answer some few related questions to give you a better understanding of how opay works and how it can benefit you.

Making money online is very easy, but you need to have a good source where you can be learning from, many people have tried making money online but failed
This is due to lack of quality information and lessons, so make sure you pay a close attention and learn everything on this page, it will benefit you.
So without further ado, lets get started with this tutorial.

How much can you make with opay?

You can make as much as you want on opay, there is actually no limit to how much you can make, some people are making over 10,000 Naira daily on opay, some people are making less, so it depends on you.
I have personally made over 5000 Naira from opay, that is why I am writing this article, to help you learn the few things I did to accumulate this amount, and if you can apply the same energy and strategy, you will also do it.
But don’t get too excited, when some people see this kind of posts, they become too excited, they think it will be easy, but let me tell you the truth
It wasn’t easy for me to accumulate this amount in a day, and I applied a lot of efforts to get to that point, so it is not easy to do, bare that in mind.

How to open opay account

You can open opay account at anytime using your smartphone, as long as you have access to an internet connection, you are already set to start creating your own opay account.
I have written an article that will show you step by step how to create your opay account on your smartphone, so if you want to read and learn, click on the link to start reading it.
But take note that you need an active Nigerian sim to open opay account, because they will be sending you a confirmation code to the number, so make sure you have an active Nigerian phone number before creating your account.

What are the requirements to make money with opay

This is very important to know, you need to know all the requirements before jumping into anything, to start making money with opay, you need an opay account, you need an internet connection and some few people who are willing to use opay
Because you will be inviting people to the platform to actually make money in the process, as long as you invite people, you will earn, that’s it

How to make money with opay

1. Sign up on opay

You need to have an account with opay before you can start making money from the platform, don’t worry, creating an opay account is very easy, all you need is a smartphone, an active phone number and internet connection.
after creating your account, you can come back to this article to continue with the rest of the process.

2. Generate your referral link

Remember I told you that you will be making money by inviting new users to the platform, well, for you to be able to do that, you need your own unique affiliate link
Whenever someone clicks on your linik, they will be taken to opay sign up page, where they can sign up within minutes, after they sign up and use their opay account, you will make money from there
They will also be paid for signing up through you, so it is a win-win for everyone.
To generate your referral link, just open your account on the opay app and locate your profile, then click on the invite friends button, you will see your referral code, now copy the code and save it on your phone or computer.

3. Share your link and make money

Now after you generate your referral link, you can share it with friends and family for them to sign up on opay, once they do so and make use of their account, you will be paid 500 Naira.
Imagine how much you can make for inviting just 10 people, that’s 5000 Naira, you can accumulate this amount in a very short period
Just ask your family and friends to sign up through your link and use their opay account, and you will be able to earn your referral income, it is easy to do.

Final thoughts

There you have it, follow this steps and start making money with opay, you can make as much as you want, remember that.
One good thing about this program is that, they are honest, once someone signs up through your link, the person will appear in your referral list, you will also see if the person have used their account or not
Sometimes, you will get referrals but you will not see the earnings, this is normal, because opay will pay you only when the referred person have used their account.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section below, and do well by sharing this post with others too.

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