How to Send Money to Opay account fast

How to Send Money to Opay account fast

How to send money to opay account
In this post, I will walk you through all the steps of sending money to opay account fast, if this is what you want to learn to do, then stick around and read till the end
Because this is a complete tutorial, and it will be easy for you to follow the steps, plus, some people have made the mistakes in the process of sending money to an opay user
When sending money on opay, there are some mistakes that you can make, if you make these mistakes, your transaction will be bad, you may end up sending the money to a random person that you don’t even know
So to avoid making these mistakes, I will ask you to read this article to the end, and when sending money, make sure you are calm, keep your eyes open to avoid any mistakes that may result in loss of money
If you don’t have an opay account already, here’s how to open opay account click the link to open your account in a few clicks, and if you are looking for a way to make money with opay, then click the following link.

Now without wasting time, lets dive into this tutorial.

How much does opay charge per transaction?

Opay transaction charges differ, it depends on what you are doing, if you are sending money to a bank account, they charge 1%, but if you are sending to an opay account, they charge you nothing at all
As we all know, normal bank transfers cost 10 Naira per transaction, so many people think it is the same with opay, but that’s not it
So bear in mind that whenever you are transferring to an external bank from opay, you will be charged 1%, I hope you understand this

How to send money to opay account fast

Before we start, make sure your opay dashboard is opened, and if it is not, kindly open your opay app, they will ask you to login to your account, enter your password and your mobile number
After that, click on login and your dashboard will be open
Opay dashboard
Then go to the transfer section, it is on the far end of the first menu, then you will see an option in the middle that says, transfer to opay account, select it and a page will be opened 
How to send money with opay
Enter the account number of the opay user, enter the amount which you want to transfer to the person, if you want to add a message, there is a space below the amount holder, enter your message there and click on done
Send money to opay
After that, sit back and wait for the transaction to be completed.

How to transfer to a bank account with opay

If you want to transfer to an external bank, click on the transfer option like in the above steps, but this time, you will click on the first option that says “transfer to  bank account” when you click on this option
Send money from opay to bank
A page will open that looks like the above screenshot, enter the bank name of the receiver, then enter the account number of the receiver in the second box
Enter the amount which you want to transfer to the person and click done, and if you want to add a message to the transfer, you can do so in the last box
After all these, sit back and wait for the transaction to be completed, it should take less than a minute.

Final thoughts

That’s it guys, I hope you enjoy reading this post, if you do, kindly share it with your friends, if you have any questions, kindly leave it in the comments section and I will reply to you as soon as possible
Don’t forget that, if you don’t have an account with opay yet, you can use the link in the beginning of the post to sign up, thank you for reading this post, have a nice day ahead.

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